Has mainstream advice on LinkedIn growth failed you?

Every day, you spend hours on LinkedIn. Without a system, you don't know how to prioritize your efforts, leading to wasted time and missed opportunities.

You get some likes and comments, but they don't translate to revenue.

When I started out on LinkedIn, I made a mistake - I followed generic advice from large, popular creators.

Sure, I was getting some traction, but it was all transactional.

Only when I started looking at the DATA I found out why:

My tactics weren't matching my business, or my clients. And I wasn't using the right measuring tools either.

It sure failed me.

You need tools and systems to track and measure, making sure your strategy is working.

I realized the tools we need aren't provided by LinkedIn:

So I made my own: using my background in data science and in partnership with real marketing experts.

The LinkedIn Management System.

A personalized, data-driven Notion workspace providing clarity on:

► What your most successful posts are
► Who your Top engagers for the last 90 days are
► Average engagement
► Average follower growth per day
► Engagement per day of the week
► % connections who comment to gauge network activity
► Years of connecting to top fans

So that you can get the best strategy - tailored to your business and your clients.

One that works for YOU - not somebody else.

And gets YOU the results.


Would you like to see how this helped Fran improve his reach by 20% overnight?